The desire to travel is particularly great again in 2022, and many countries are relaxing their entry regulations. But the pandemic has changed a few things. What should be considered when traveling in the summer of 2022?
“Restrictions on the ground are still to be expected in summer 2022. In addition, the travel industry generally expects higher prices due to rising energy costs,” says ÖAMTC lawyer Verena Pronebner. To ensure that nothing gets in the way of your dream holiday, the mobility club already has tips for optimal preparation.
What to bear in mind when traveling in the summer of 2022
Travelers will probably have to prepare for: Summer holidays in 2022 will be more expensive due to rising fuel price. Accommodation prices may also increase due to higher operating costs. “Package holidays booked earlier with a fixed price offer financial security. In the case of travel packages that include flights and accommodation, price increases are possible, but only up to 20 days before the trip starts. This must also be expressly provided for in the contract, and the price change must comprehensibly relate to specific costs such as fuel or exchange rates,” explains Pronebner. In addition, travelers must be informed about the price increase in an understandable way and in writing. If the trip price increases by more than eight percent, you have the right to withdraw from the trip free of charge and have all payments already made returned. Caution: If you do not make a statement within the deadline set by the organizer, the price increase is deemed to have been accepted.
Airline companies cannot increase the price of purchased tickets
In principle, airlines cannot simply increase the cost of an individually purchased ticket without the passenger’s consent. This is only possible if the airline has contractually reserved the right to increase the price.
Traveling in summer: When is a free cancellation possible?
When booking a package tour or accommodation, you should pay close attention to the general terms and conditions of the provider: These contain the cancellation conditions. It is essential to know under which circumstances and until when a booking can be canceled free of charge.
The closer the trip, the higher the cancellation costs
The closer the trip, the higher the cancellation costs. Cancellation of the trip free of charge is only possible due to new, extraordinary circumstances, such as natural disasters at the holiday destination – the Corona pandemic no longer counts as a unique circumstance. “If a certain circumstance was already known at the time of booking the trip, it is no longer possible for the customer to cancel the trip free of charge. Therefore, it can make sense to question the cancellation conditions exactly when booking and, if necessary, to have them confirmed in writing by the organizer,” advises the ÖAMTC lawyer.
The complicated situation for individual travelers
The situation is more complicated for individual travelers: In the event of a cancellation, the respective cancellation conditions must be clarified with each service provider, from the accommodation to the local car rental company. In principle, if the service providers can provide their services, there is no entitlement to a cancellation free of charge.
Cancellation insurance only covers costs for insured reasons
A travel cancellation insurance policy taken out in good time will only cover the costs of a trip not taken if there is an insured reason, such as an unexpected illness. Many travel insurers currently cover the costs of a trip interruption or cancellation if one:r of the travelers falls ill with Covid-19, a person living in the same household falls sick, and the presence of the traveler (s) is necessary if quarantine is imposed. However, if you do not want to travel due to increasing numbers of cases, fear of falling ill, or strict local measures, insurance will not help, and you will have to pay the cancellation costs yourself.
Entry requirements and local measures
The be-all and end-all of a successful trip is information in advance: local corona measures can change quickly and differ within a country. To avoid unpleasant surprises when visiting a restaurant or a museum, you should inform yourself about the respective local measures before you start your trip. “It is also advisable to check the specific rules for entry and the measures on site in good time and ensure that the 3-G certificate is still valid then,” concludes ÖAMTC lawyer Verena Pronebner.
Everything on entry and return travel regulations for Austria and all European countries can be found in daily updated research at the ÖAMTC holiday service:
— source: Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay
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